AIC-LMCP Foundation is a non-profit (Section 8 Company) incubator hosted by L. M. College of Pharmacy, which is governed by Ahmedabad Education Society, Ahmedabad.
To create and sustain a vibrant entrepreneurship ecosystem.
To create a fully integrated start-up ecosystem.
To foster entrepreneurial spirit and skills among innovative students.
To support development of tools for innovative products and technology transfer.
To facilitate incubation and growth of woman-led startups.
To develop network of students, researchers, faculties, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, government agencies and other service providers.
Key objectives
To create innovative and sustainable startup companies and support their development
To provide platform for converting novel ideas into projects with commercializing potential
Bringing innovations in existing MSMEs
Providing specialized business services to existing MSMEs and startups
To encourage and support women entrepreneurs
Tinker labs to test frugal innovations and provide proof of concepts
Advanced laboratory facilities to develop and test the innovative products
Grooming of individuals who can create novel ideas through specialized courses
Converting these ideas to a detailed business proposal and presenting to funding agencies to extend financial support
Exposure to various regulatory requirements nationally and internationally and facilitate regulatory permissions
Building understanding on business management to help incubatees to learn intricacies of business development and sustenance